Informational Videos


Dr. Pejavar discusses Left Breast Cancer Treatment

Treatment for Left Breast Cancer at Sharp Memorial Hospital in San Diego. For patients with left-sided breast cancer, a special device may be used to help a woman hold her breath during radiation treatments. The ABC, or Active Breathing Coordinator, is a type of device used for this purpose and is offered at our Sharp Memorial treatment center.

Dr. Jabbari on the Potential for Implantable Cardiac Devices to Malfunction Following RT
Siavash Jabbari, MD Published Online: Tuesday, August 12, 2014
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Siavash Jabbari, MD, radiation oncologist, Douglas & Nancy Barnhart Cancer Center, Sharp Chula Vista Medical Center, discusses the potential for implantable cardiac devices to malfunction following radiation therapy. 

Radiation therapy is becoming a bigger player in the management of all stages of lung cancer. However, Jabbari says, there is a known potential issue of radiation causing implantable cardiac devices to malfunction. This could be catastrophic to a patient. 

While it is possible to risk-stratify and manage patients who receive radiation therapy, there are practical and logistical barriers to evaluating each pacemaker/device.

Lung Cancer Treatment: Edgar’s Story

Lung Cancer Treatment: Edgar’s Storyhtml embed video by v3.0

Mujeres latinas más propensas a desarrollar cáncer

Mujeres latinas más propensas a desarrollar cáncervideo html by v3.0